Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lesley 6008 - Wunderland


There have been variations in the weather over the past ten years but not a real change.  This is a dry period in Honolulu.  The precipitation is up from 0 to less than .1 and some cases this was just a trace.  The wind speed appears to be higher than ten years ago, but there is also a lot of fluctuation.  I would not make a conclusion based on this data.  I also looked at data for the week that included May 8 over ten years and the data was very similar. It can be deceptive to base a conclusion on climate change based on one day of the year.

This site would give valuable information on the weather in different locations around the world.  Combining this with other information students could compare how various factors (coastal vs inland, elevation, surrounding terrain - mountains, etc) effect the climate of an area. They could then go on to compare and contrast like and unlike areas as to natural vegetation, crops grown, housing, etc.

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