Sunday, September 23, 2012

This looked like an interesting site with many possibilities. I first thought of using it to create a timeline of a person's life or a family timeline. Then I thought about adding in local, national, and world events. This is just a brief idea using my father and his life and a few events that occurred during his life.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Clara's mother took pictures every month for the first year with Clara, a string of pearls and her blue wedding shoes. She sent them out to everyone. She also took some other pictures as well. Here are just a few.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Here is a short piece with photos from my mother's 80th birthday back in '08.  I used

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The outpouring of goodwill has been tremendous in our area the past week.  Three wild fires have been burning.  Over 400 firefighters from towns and counties near and far have responded to our call for help.  National Guard, County Road Crews, helicopters, and planes have all helped.  Many have lost outbuildings and pasture and crops, but very few, if any homes were lost.  Our school is about 10 miles from the Wellnitz Fire.   We had smoke for awhile but then the wind changed.  Some of our staff and students had to evacuate, but all are home again.