Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lesley 6008 - Tech Issues

The Good:  We have a great tech person on site.  He is there when we need him and answers all our dumb questions.  Students are starting to work with computers in Kindergarten, not just for drawing and word processing but creating, using learning tools, communicating.  Teachers  have laptops, which is great for me when I switch between my desk and the computer lab.  We are half way to having SmartBoards in all classroom.  I have one in my library computer lab.  We also have Distance Learning both in a DL classroom and mobile carts.  These are not only used by high school for DL classes, but also have been used for virtual field trips.

The Bad: Trying to figure which applications and programs to teach which students.  The cost of some programs can make some things unavailable to our very small school. Waiting for the WiFi to kick in when I change locations.  Keeping track of everything and giving information to staff and students when they need it not just at a beginning of school tech talk.

The Ugly: When everything shuts down for no apparent reason just when class is ready to start.

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