Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lesley 6008 - Texting

Our policy is no phones between first bell and last bell.  I know the students have them and usually keep them in a pocket or bag.  I also know students use their phones during school.  Phone use in class can be a distraction, but so are other activities.  I have heard of teachers who have a box on the desk and collect phones at the beginning of class and release them at the end.
Some parents and students view having a phone as a safety issue or a convenient way to reach each other.  Our school is very small and there is usually not a problem getting in contact with a student or parent by using the office phone.
I can see both sides of the issue.  I won't push for open use of phones by students, however I can see educational uses for phones in the classroom.  The pollevery site, looking up information on the internet (if students have a data plan), teachers texting assignments or reminders to students.  I don't know how many students have phones and what plans they have.  There may be a question of equitable access or maybe not.
I found that using texting for discussing a topic was very cumbersome.  Short messages are fine, but a discussion with various points of view and requiring lengthy conversations is better done face to face or at least with a phone call.

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