Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thing #20

I am always looking for things I can use with my students. I had already looked at the Web 2.0 Awards site and checked out some of the applications. I wanted to find something I had not looked at yet. Comiqs looked interesting. It reminded me of escrapbooking a site by Annette Lamb (who presented at the NLA/NEMA conference last fall)

Students could look at the "comic strip" about Lebron James then do their own about themselves, a family member, or an historical person. Students could look at this one about gum is an example of a short research project.

The only problem is it has to be posted to the web. Not an problem that can't be solved. Or the students can go to the site to get ideas then use another application to create their project.

Here is the link to "the cable car." Mine is just a single page. Many are multiple pages. I tried to embed the image but it didn't work.


Annette Lamb said...

Great ideas for using comics in the classroom! - Annette Lamb

Meera said...


Comics are definitely a versatile medium and are being used creatively by educators from all over the world.

You can also check out ToonDoo, an easy-to-use comic strip creator with loads of cool features. Your students will love it!
