Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Shelving in, Ready for the books

The shelving from the Mirage Flats school that closed was moved in and painted. It looks like different colors but that is just the light. Very nice shelving - all adjustable. My aide warned me that the shelves don't fit just anywhere so all 10 sections and 60 shelves were marked before they were moved. The Secondary collection will go on these shelves. They are on the east side of the room. The doorway (dark area on the left of the shelving) on this side will be the main entrance for most people.

The rest of the shelving from the Flats and one section from the original elementary shelving is on the south side and will hold the J Fiction. Beyond them are two eight-foot sections of low shelves for the E Fiction. (currently one is hidden behind the folding tables.)

The J/E Non Fiction will be on the west wall in low shelving with rails for displaying student work, posters, etc above.

The middle and the computer lab are still "under construction" and will be until the carpet cleaners come in two weeks. Also need to bring in lab tables and a few things from the Flats. Then move my desk and other stuff from the upstairs library.


Anonymous said...

Carole--this looks awesome! Lots of work--but it will be worth it! Sandy W.

Anonymous said...

Carole--this looks awesome! Lots of work--but it will be worth it! Sandy W.

Tessa said...

It does look good. And, you're right, it looks like the shelves are different colors. Maybe you should paint them?